Billy's Blog

To post pictures and other goodies for free on the net.

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Location: Utah, United States

Born in Kapiolani Children's Medical Center, just a few blocks from Waikiki. Graduated from Kahuku High School. Rode BMX Freestyle for most of my life (more than 20 years), now my 8 year old son is ripping up the skate parks, but plans on getting drafted by the SeaHawks as a WR.

Monday, November 05, 2007

OK, here is the scenario:
You go into a elementary school and beat up a kid because he threatened to burn down your house. As you are leaving, his friend calls you stupid. He is in the 3rd grade but, you can't leave being called a "stupid", so you turn around and go beat him up. You try to leave again, and another boy yells "stupid", so... you go beat him up too. After a while, you have beaten up a whole spit load of kids, but more come after you and call you stupid, and since you can not be seen as weak, letting a group of 3rd graders call you stupid, you stay and continue to beat up as many 3rd graders as call you stupid. Once you leave you know your friends will laugh that you let 3rd graders chase you out of the school, so you stay and continue to stay until every last kid there stops calling you stupid, even 6 years later, and the 3rd graders you are now beating up were not even born when you beat up that first kid who never was able to get your house burnt because he didn't really have any matches. This is how Fred Thompson sees it: