Billy's Blog

To post pictures and other goodies for free on the net.

My Photo
Location: Utah, United States

Born in Kapiolani Children's Medical Center, just a few blocks from Waikiki. Graduated from Kahuku High School. Rode BMX Freestyle for most of my life (more than 20 years), now my 8 year old son is ripping up the skate parks, but plans on getting drafted by the SeaHawks as a WR.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Here is a guy drinking a shot of something that was lit on fire, problem is he dribbles a little, and that isn't good

Here is me spitting flames:
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Here is Andrew, he took too big a mouthful to spit in one breath, but he tried anyway (Usually if it is too much you spit a few smaller ones, but he just tried all at once, at the end he didn't have enough breath to blow it away from his face... We didn't get shots of him on fire, but this shows it touching his goat)
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Friday, March 10, 2006

Meilani's Hello Kitty Chinese Outfit

My mom sent Meilani a couple outfits from Hello Kitty. Here is the blue one. She had a Yellow one too, and it is her favorite, infact she will bring it to me and Wendy to have us put it on. The problem is that the head hole is too small and will not fit, but she is happy with just the skirt. She does this funny face where she grits her teeth and her whole body will shake, this is her doing that face.

Meilani's First Birthday

On January 28th Meilani turned 1 year old. Since she had so much fun at Chuck E Cheese during Wei's party, we decided to take her back there again. She loves to sit in the rides. If we got her a ride for the house she would be in it the entire time she was awake.

Here is Meilani and her "1 year old" cake and her wearing her HelloKitty outfit.